And another team from the malifaux system got under my brushes. This time, the creators reached to the mythology of Malaysia and Philippines, which results in perhaps the most disgusting model I've ever painted :). Mostly I was afraid of painting guts but it did not work out bad and the owner is also happy so i'm pleased :). The blood effect obtained thanks to citadel technical (Blood for the Blood God). Base made by me. Unfortunately, the photos came out a bit too dark which lowers a bit the final effect.
niedziela, 25 lutego 2018
Enforcer Yin the Penangalan
I kolejna ekipa do systemu malifaux wpadła pod moje pędzle. Tym razem twórcy sięgnęli do mitologii z regionu malezji i filipin, czego rezultatem jest chyba najbardziej obrzydliwy model jaki kiedykolwiek malowałem :). Najbardziej się obawiałem malowania wnętrzności ale nie wyszło najgorzej i właściciel też jest zadowolony :). Efekt krwi uzyskany dzięki citadel technical (Blood for the Blood God). Podstawka wykonana przeze mnie. Niestety fotki wyszły odrobinę za ciemne co trochę obniża finalny efekt.
And another team from the malifaux system got under my brushes. This time, the creators reached to the mythology of Malaysia and Philippines, which results in perhaps the most disgusting model I've ever painted :). Mostly I was afraid of painting guts but it did not work out bad and the owner is also happy so i'm pleased :). The blood effect obtained thanks to citadel technical (Blood for the Blood God). Base made by me. Unfortunately, the photos came out a bit too dark which lowers a bit the final effect.
And another team from the malifaux system got under my brushes. This time, the creators reached to the mythology of Malaysia and Philippines, which results in perhaps the most disgusting model I've ever painted :). Mostly I was afraid of painting guts but it did not work out bad and the owner is also happy so i'm pleased :). The blood effect obtained thanks to citadel technical (Blood for the Blood God). Base made by me. Unfortunately, the photos came out a bit too dark which lowers a bit the final effect.
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