Model bardzo mi przypadł do gustu. Dość groteskowe połączenie lekarza w masce ochronnej (używanej podczas epidemii dżumy w średniowiecznej europie na przełomie XVI-XVIII w.) z szamanem i jakimś szalonym chemikiem. Rzecz jasna, ten pan przy spotkaniu z przeciwnikami podczas rozgrywki zapewne zbytnio im "nie pomaga" ;).
I like this model very much. A rather grotesque combination of a doctor in a protective mask (used during the plague epidemic in medieval Europe at the turn of the 16th and 18th century) with a shaman and some crazy chemist. Obviously, this gentleman, when meeting opponents during the game, probably will not help them much;).
poniedziałek, 30 kwietnia 2018
środa, 25 kwietnia 2018
Mythic Battles - Atena
Bogini mądrości i wiedzy. Kolejny świetny model od Mythic Battles (75 mm). Malowanie samej sowy zajęło mi ok. 3 godzin więc możecie sobie wyobrazić ile schodzi przy całym modelu (przynajmniej mnie). Starałem się zachować "delikatną" kolorystykę aby podkreślić kobiecość modelu. Złote elementy malowałem farbkami citadel (retributor gold (base) + liberator gold (layer) + runefang steel (layer))
Goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Another great model from Mythic Battles (75 mm). It took me about 3 hours to paint the owl itself so you can imagine how much it takes to paint entire model (at least for me). I tried to keep the "delicate" colors to emphasize the femininity of the model. I painted gold elements with citadel paints (retributor gold (base) + liberator gold (layer) + runefang steel (layer)).
Goddess of wisdom and knowledge. Another great model from Mythic Battles (75 mm). It took me about 3 hours to paint the owl itself so you can imagine how much it takes to paint entire model (at least for me). I tried to keep the "delicate" colors to emphasize the femininity of the model. I painted gold elements with citadel paints (retributor gold (base) + liberator gold (layer) + runefang steel (layer)).
sobota, 7 kwietnia 2018
Mythic Battles - Zeus
Ojciec bogów i ludzi. Piękna i spora (75 mm) figurka, nad którą spędziłem wiele godzin ponieważ skóra była sporym wyzwaniem. Jedyne do czego można się przyczepić w tym modelu to spora ilość nadlewek, których usunięcie bywało kłopotliwe ze względu na posklejany (fabrycznie) model, co również ogranicza możliwość pomalowania pleców i wewnętrznej strony tarczy. Dla wielu może i jest to wygodne, bo to zawsze zajmuje czas ale ja osobiście lubię przygotować porządnie model do malowania.
Father of gods and man. A beautiful and large (75 mm) miniature over which I spent many hours because skin was quite a challenge. The only thing you can be frustraded about is a large amount of mold remains, and removal of which was anoying due to the factory glued model, which also limits the ability to paint the back and inner side of the shield. For many people it may be convenient because it always takes time, but i personally like to prepare it for painting.
Father of gods and man. A beautiful and large (75 mm) miniature over which I spent many hours because skin was quite a challenge. The only thing you can be frustraded about is a large amount of mold remains, and removal of which was anoying due to the factory glued model, which also limits the ability to paint the back and inner side of the shield. For many people it may be convenient because it always takes time, but i personally like to prepare it for painting.
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