As far as I remember, it was one of my first dwarf miniatures which I have painted a couple of years ago. Beautiful metal model of King Kazador of the Donarkhun clan, of the Karak Azul dwarf hold will perform honorable role as my army battle standard bearer. The original design had a banner set on it's back and a shield but I made minor changes with the help of greenstuff, and also, inspired by the work of one of the best painters on the Polish battle scene - Rakso, I completely changed the banner. Painting the banner is also one of my earlier works. Now I would probably do a few things differently but with much sentiment to this model I refreshed a bit of gold color, place it on the magnet (for easier transportation), and I added small details to finish the work. My brother carved a base and a mug of the standard using a modeling clay.
piątek, 8 września 2017
Król Kazador - Krasnoludzki Sztandarowy Armii / King Kazador - Dwarf Army Battle Standard Bearer
O ile dobrze pamiętam to jedna z moich pierwszych krasnoludzkich figurek jakie malowałem ładnych parę lat temu. Do zaszczytnej roli sztandarowego armii posłużyła piękna, metalowa figurka króla Kazadora z klanu Donarkhun, z twierdzy Karak Azul. Oryginalny wzór posiadał sztandar osadzony na plecach i tarczę ale wprowadziłem niewielkie zmiany z pomocą greenstufu, a także inspirowany twórczością jednego z najlepszych malarzy na scenie polskiego bitewniaka - Rakso, zmieniłem całkowicie sztandar. Malowanie sztandaru jest również jednym z moich wcześniejszych dzieł. Teraz bym pewnie zrobił kilka rzeczy inaczej ale mając spory sentyment do tego modelu odświeżyłem nieco złoty kolor i osadzając na magnesie (dla ułatwienia transportu), dodałem małe ozdoby wieńczące pracę. Podstawkę i kufelek do sztandaru wyrzeźbił mój brat korzystając z modeliny.
As far as I remember, it was one of my first dwarf miniatures which I have painted a couple of years ago. Beautiful metal model of King Kazador of the Donarkhun clan, of the Karak Azul dwarf hold will perform honorable role as my army battle standard bearer. The original design had a banner set on it's back and a shield but I made minor changes with the help of greenstuff, and also, inspired by the work of one of the best painters on the Polish battle scene - Rakso, I completely changed the banner. Painting the banner is also one of my earlier works. Now I would probably do a few things differently but with much sentiment to this model I refreshed a bit of gold color, place it on the magnet (for easier transportation), and I added small details to finish the work. My brother carved a base and a mug of the standard using a modeling clay.
As far as I remember, it was one of my first dwarf miniatures which I have painted a couple of years ago. Beautiful metal model of King Kazador of the Donarkhun clan, of the Karak Azul dwarf hold will perform honorable role as my army battle standard bearer. The original design had a banner set on it's back and a shield but I made minor changes with the help of greenstuff, and also, inspired by the work of one of the best painters on the Polish battle scene - Rakso, I completely changed the banner. Painting the banner is also one of my earlier works. Now I would probably do a few things differently but with much sentiment to this model I refreshed a bit of gold color, place it on the magnet (for easier transportation), and I added small details to finish the work. My brother carved a base and a mug of the standard using a modeling clay.
wtorek, 5 września 2017
Ten Thunders- Terracota Army
I almost forget about posting photos of these guys. These are the next models for ten thunders team that I have been painting from a long time for a friend. Despite the obvious simplicity of the color scheme, it took me some time before I decided on a "stone" one. For painting I used a "dry brush" technique, which I try to avoid due to quite high inaccuracy and brush damage, but here it worked out perfectly.
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