Osadzona na sporej podstawce duża figurka należąca do frakcji Resurectionists. Zasadniczo główną rolę odgrywa tutaj (jak sama nazwa figurki wskazuje :) ) zbroja, dająca wskrzeszonemu starożytnemu wojownikowi Izamu nieprzeciętną siłę i moc. Model jest przedstawiony w ładnej pozie, co efektywnie przekłada się na dogodne obejrzenie postaci z każdej strony. Niestety detale kiepsko wyszły, a szczególnie wzory na elementach zbroi (na napierśniku zwłaszcza). Były tak niedokładnie odlane iż aby dobrze pomalować musiałem się posiłkować zdjęciami z netu. Podstawka została mi dostarczona i nic z nią nie robiłem.
A large model from the Resurectionists faction set on a large base. Basically, the main role here (as the name of the model indicates :)) plays armor, giving the resurrected ancient warrior Izamu extraordinary strength and power. The model is presented in a nice pose, which effectively translates into convenient viewing of the character from all sides. Unfortunately, the details did not look to well, especially the patterns on the armor (breastplate at least). They were so inaccurately cast that I had to use the pictures from the internet to paint it well. The base was delivered to me and I did nothing with it.
A large model from the Resurectionists faction set on a large base. Basically, the main role here (as the name of the model indicates :)) plays armor, giving the resurrected ancient warrior Izamu extraordinary strength and power. The model is presented in a nice pose, which effectively translates into convenient viewing of the character from all sides. Unfortunately, the details did not look to well, especially the patterns on the armor (breastplate at least). They were so inaccurately cast that I had to use the pictures from the internet to paint it well. The base was delivered to me and I did nothing with it.
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