When you think you had seen almoust everything in life ... you get cyborg zombies for painting :). As you can see, the creators of the Malifaux world have a lot of imagination because you have to seriously "brain out" to combine necromancy with cybernetics :). As far as I know in this set there are three models, but I have got only two to paint. Minis are nicely sculpted, but you have to be careful with pinning because of the small area for drilling. As usual, bases also are created by me.
sobota, 30 czerwca 2018
Resurrectionists Necropunks
Gdy człowiek myśli że już prawie wszystko w życiu zobaczył.... dostaje do malowania zcyborgizowane zombiaki :). Jak widać twórcy świata Malifaux mają sporą wyobraźnię bo trzeba się srogo nagłówkować żeby połączyć nekromancję z cybernetyką :). Z tego co wiem w tym zestawie znajdują się trzy modele, ale ja dostałem do pomalowania tylko dwa. Modele ładnie wyrzeźbione, niemniej jednak trzeba uważać przy pinowaniu ze względu na mała powierzchnię do wiercenia. Standardowo podstawki mojego autorstwa.
When you think you had seen almoust everything in life ... you get cyborg zombies for painting :). As you can see, the creators of the Malifaux world have a lot of imagination because you have to seriously "brain out" to combine necromancy with cybernetics :). As far as I know in this set there are three models, but I have got only two to paint. Minis are nicely sculpted, but you have to be careful with pinning because of the small area for drilling. As usual, bases also are created by me.
When you think you had seen almoust everything in life ... you get cyborg zombies for painting :). As you can see, the creators of the Malifaux world have a lot of imagination because you have to seriously "brain out" to combine necromancy with cybernetics :). As far as I know in this set there are three models, but I have got only two to paint. Minis are nicely sculpted, but you have to be careful with pinning because of the small area for drilling. As usual, bases also are created by me.
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