God of the dead, the underworld, subterranean regions, night, dreams, curses, death, darkness, the earth, fertility, riches, mortality, the afterlife, and metals. I have always imagined Hades as a majestic, dark god, and I tried to paint this figurine in such way. I covered copper armor and arms with paint similar to gw technicals Nihilakh Oxide, which I made by myself according to a great guide from Lukes Aps. This guy runs a channel on YT where you can find a lot of great advices. Base is also made by me.
czwartek, 11 października 2018
Mythic Battles - Hades
God of the dead, the underworld, subterranean regions, night, dreams, curses, death, darkness, the earth, fertility, riches, mortality, the afterlife, and metals. I have always imagined Hades as a majestic, dark god, and I tried to paint this figurine in such way. I covered copper armor and arms with paint similar to gw technicals Nihilakh Oxide, which I made by myself according to a great guide from Lukes Aps. This guy runs a channel on YT where you can find a lot of great advices. Base is also made by me.
wtorek, 14 sierpnia 2018
Topielcy / The Drowned
Topielcy nadciągają !
Nieszczęśnicy zamordowani w wodach otaczających Malifaux powracają jako złe duchy szukające zemsty na każdym, kto wejdzie im w drogę. Ładne modele zombiaków wyciągniętych z topieli. Grubas z kotwicą zdecydowanie najbardziej przypadł mi do gustu ale pozostali też są nieźle wyrzeźbieni.
Drowned are comming !
I present to you nice models of drowned zombies. Those are the ones unlucky victims that have been murdered in the lakes and waters around Malifaux, they are now angry spirits that have risen from the watery graves to seek vengeance on anything that crosses their path. The fat man with the anchor definitely it is my favorite, but the others are also nice and well-carved.
Nieszczęśnicy zamordowani w wodach otaczających Malifaux powracają jako złe duchy szukające zemsty na każdym, kto wejdzie im w drogę. Ładne modele zombiaków wyciągniętych z topieli. Grubas z kotwicą zdecydowanie najbardziej przypadł mi do gustu ale pozostali też są nieźle wyrzeźbieni.
Drowned are comming !
I present to you nice models of drowned zombies. Those are the ones unlucky victims that have been murdered in the lakes and waters around Malifaux, they are now angry spirits that have risen from the watery graves to seek vengeance on anything that crosses their path. The fat man with the anchor definitely it is my favorite, but the others are also nice and well-carved.
sobota, 30 czerwca 2018
Resurrectionists Necropunks
Gdy człowiek myśli że już prawie wszystko w życiu zobaczył.... dostaje do malowania zcyborgizowane zombiaki :). Jak widać twórcy świata Malifaux mają sporą wyobraźnię bo trzeba się srogo nagłówkować żeby połączyć nekromancję z cybernetyką :). Z tego co wiem w tym zestawie znajdują się trzy modele, ale ja dostałem do pomalowania tylko dwa. Modele ładnie wyrzeźbione, niemniej jednak trzeba uważać przy pinowaniu ze względu na mała powierzchnię do wiercenia. Standardowo podstawki mojego autorstwa.
When you think you had seen almoust everything in life ... you get cyborg zombies for painting :). As you can see, the creators of the Malifaux world have a lot of imagination because you have to seriously "brain out" to combine necromancy with cybernetics :). As far as I know in this set there are three models, but I have got only two to paint. Minis are nicely sculpted, but you have to be careful with pinning because of the small area for drilling. As usual, bases also are created by me.
When you think you had seen almoust everything in life ... you get cyborg zombies for painting :). As you can see, the creators of the Malifaux world have a lot of imagination because you have to seriously "brain out" to combine necromancy with cybernetics :). As far as I know in this set there are three models, but I have got only two to paint. Minis are nicely sculpted, but you have to be careful with pinning because of the small area for drilling. As usual, bases also are created by me.
poniedziałek, 28 maja 2018
Mythic Battles - Ares
Bóg wojny. Piękny model w dynamicznej pozie. Najwięcej frajdy sprawiło mi malowanie płaszcza :), a jego kolorystyka jakoś tak od razu nasunęła skojarzenia z filmem 300-stu. Skóra malowana w ten sam sposób co u pozostałych bogów. Podstawka również mojej roboty. Mam nadzieję, że podoba się Wam efekt finalny i zapraszam do pozostawiania komentarzy.
God of War. Beautiful model in a dynamic pose. The most fun for me was painting his cloak :), and its colors somehow remind me the 300 movie. Skin painted in the same way as for other gods. The base also is my work. I hope you will enjoyed this miniature and feel free to comment.
God of War. Beautiful model in a dynamic pose. The most fun for me was painting his cloak :), and its colors somehow remind me the 300 movie. Skin painted in the same way as for other gods. The base also is my work. I hope you will enjoyed this miniature and feel free to comment.
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